There are many great ways to enjoy our Bagels
Try all our different flavours
Fresh or toasted
they are fantastic...
savoury or sweet.
Enjoy them
any time of the day...
breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Great to
freeze and reheat
and they will be as fresh
as they were
when they were baked.
Phone: 0413 081 833
Email: babushkasbagels@gmail.com
Blackheath Growers Market
Camden Fresh Produce Market
Castle Hill Hawkesbury Harvest Farmers & Fine Food Market
Cobbitty Village Market
Liverpool Growers & Foodies Market
Richmond Good Food Market
Springwood Growers Market
2016 & 2017
We have had
amazing experiences
Showcasing and Selling our Bagels at the
Royal Easter Show 2016
in the
Woolworths Food Pavillion
The Good Food & Wine Show 2016 & 2017.
Thank you...
to everyone who visited us and supported us.

My favourite chef giving us the thumbs up for our bagels!!!

Blue Mountains Gazette

Plain Traditional Bagels with Caviar
Either Fresh Bagels or Toasted Bagels cut in half and buttered and topped with beautiful Salmon or Black Caviar.
This is my favourite way to enjoy a Bagel!!

Cut & toast our Hot'N'Spicy Bagel
and top with Avocado and season to taste.
Breakfast Bagel
Raisin & Cinnamon Bagel toasted cut in half with mascarpone and topped with fresh strawberries and maple syrup.
A great way to start the day!!