Babushkas Bagels
are different to the rest !!
The flavour is throughout
...not just on top.
Our Bagels are made the old traditional way, no cutting corners.
All our Bagels are
Hand rolled,
Boiled &
Using only the finest ingredients
they contain NO Egg & No Dairy
Firstly we let the dough sit and rise. Then hand roll each and every bagel creating a tight dough. Our bagels are then boiled, not just sprayed, but totally immersed in boiling water. Finally we bake them. This process gives our bagels their unique texture – crusty and shiny on the outside and soft on the inside.
Phone: 0413 081 833
Email: babushkasbagels@gmail.com
Blackheath Growers Market
Camden Fresh Produce Market
Castle Hill Hawkesbury Harvest Farmers & Fine Food Market
Cobbitty Village Market
Liverpool Growers & Foodies Market
Richmond Good Food Market
Springwood Growers Market

My Grandparents
This is my Grandfather
Faddey Loganovich Belonogoff
my Grandmother Evlampia
This is his Bagel Recipe
My grandparents arrived to Australia from China. Their first Cake shop / Patisserie was at Canterbury. They then moved to a shop in Enfield on Liverpool Road.
After he retired my father and I continued to make Bagels supplying the cities major Delicatessens and also The Regent Hotel...in those days a very prestigious establishment.
I remember visiting my grandparents shop in Enfield when they were baking...all their different cakes...cheescakes, rum balls, jam doughnuts, his wonderfully decorated cakes, torts and of course bagels.
Below are photographs of his amazing cakes.

My Grandfather found employment in Harbin China as an apprentice pastry cook with the firm Dalconti...an upmarket French Bakery.
As the firm expanded my Grandfather was offered a higher position in the firm"s Shanghai branch which he readily accepted. After a period of time there he was transferred back to Harbin.